Medium Paccheri with Squid Sauce and Double-Texture Mint Sauce

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For 4 servings:
• 350g of medium paccheri
• 100g of mint
• 6 cloves of garlic
• 2kg of tomato passata
• 15ml of wine vinegar
• 250ml of red wine
• 2kg of squid
• Oil for frying
• Extra virgin olive oil (for tomato sauce)
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 1 onion


  1. Clean and wash the onion and garlic.
  2. Finely chop the onion and garlic, and sauté them in olive oil.
  3. Add the tomato passata and season it.
  4. Clean and cut the squid into strips.
  5. Cook the squid in a separate pan.
  6. Once cooked, add the squid to the tomato sauce along with the mint.
  7. Wash the mint, place it in a jug with oil and a tablespoon of vinegar.
  8. Blend until smooth, then season with salt.
  9. Finally, plate the paccheri and garnish with the mint sauce.